List all azure resources in a csv / excel

Run the following code to list all the azure resources under all of your resources.

# settings
$defaultPath= "c:\Temp\azureresources.csv"
$csvDelimiter= ';'
# set azure account
# receive all subscriptions
$subscriptions= Get-AzureRmSubscription
$subscriptions| ft SubscriptionId, SubscriptionName
# select azure subscriptions that you want to export
"Please enter subscription ids (comma separated, leave empty to use all subscriptions)"
$subscriptionIds= read-host
if([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($subscriptionIds)) {
    $subscriptionIds= @($subscriptions| select-ExpandPropertySubscriptionId)
elseif($subscriptionIds.Contains(',')) {
    $subscriptionIds= $subscriptionIds.Split(',')
    $subscriptionIds= @($subscriptionIds)
# configure csv output
"Enter destination path - leave it empty to use $defaultPath"
$path= read-host
if([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) {
    $path= $defaultPath
if(Test-Path$path) {
    "File $path already exists. Delete? y/n [Default: y)"
    $remove= read-host
    if([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($remove) -or$remove.ToLower().Equals('y')) {
"Start exporting data..."
foreach($subscriptionIdin$subscriptionIds) {
    # change azure subscription
    # read subscription name as we want to see it in the exported csv
    $subscriptionName= ($subscriptions| Where { $_.SubscriptionId -eq$subscriptionId}).SubscriptionName
    $subscriptionSelector= @{ Label="SubscriptionName"; Expression={$subscriptionName} }
    $tagSelector=  @{Name="Tags";Expression={ if($_.Tags -ne$null) { $x= $_.Tags | %{ "{ `"" + $_.Name + "`" : `"" + $_.Value + "`" }, "}; ("{ "+ ([string]$x).TrimEnd(", ") + " }") } }}
    #get resources from azure subscription
    $export= Get-AzureRmResource| select *, $subscriptionSelector, $tagSelector-ExcludeProperty"Tags"
    $export| Export-CSV$path-Delimiter$csvDelimiter-Append-Force-NoTypeInformation
    "Exported "+ $subscriptionId+ " - "+ $subscriptionName
"Export done!"
If you want to run this script in scheduler, then you need to save azure profile so that the script can pick it up. Run the following commands
Save-AzureRmProfile -Path “c:\temp\azureprofile.json”
After checking if the file exists, the following (line 7 of the previous script) should load the azure profile:
Select-AzureRmProfile -Path $azureProfilePath